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Network Marketing: The Business & Your Advantages
Independent distributor of PM International AG / FitLine

The company PM International

We are independent distributors of PM International and work with our product line professionally and for many years with worldwide distribution structure. Here you shall know a few more details about what kind of business or business model our partner company can offer you. The term Network Marketing identifies a sub-form of direct sales. What exactly does it mean, and what advantages and opportunities does it offer you?

The company has chosen direct sales rather than traditional retail for the distribution channel of its products. There are now more than 20,000 companies worldwide that use this form of distribution, and new ones are constantly being added. This form of distribution has many advantages, for the customer, for the company, and also for the people who are enthusiastic users of the products.

Family - live happily with PM Network Marketing

The concept is simple: the "advertising" for the products is done by people who use the products themselves and are satisfied. They give recommendations to others, and if this results in turnover/sales, they receive a bonus. The company itself does not make any advertising, so that the saved marketing costs are paid out as recommendation commissions. In addition, anyone who uses the business model can also act as a kind of merchant themselves, i.e. purchase products at cost and sell them at a profit.

So you do nothing but recommend products that you find good, and that have a meaning for you in life, to others, and sell them. Great right? That's why this form of marketing is also called referral marketing.

The name network marketing comes from the fact that we network as partners of the company. In addition to customer sales, we can of course introduce and offer people the business opportunity. With these partners we work together and there is also a commission share on their sales.

Your advantages with Network Marketing

From this form of business there are some extremely powerful advantages that open up opportunities and possibilities for your life that you don't have in your normal professional life or an ordinary self-employment:

  • You are self-employed, but have no investments (except for product usage and time) and no risks, also you don't have to worry about legal issues, shipping, returns etc.
  • You can determine your working hours, and work from anywhere in the world. Therefore, parents or single parents, for example, also love this activity
  • You can start part-time, and so easily build up a small, and then growing income on the side
  • You can schedule your own day, but you have the support of the team
  • You can build up an income, which is decoupled from your working hours. This happens through automatic re-orders from your customers, and through the activity of other partners in your sales structure

If you are looking for new tasks, a career change, and you like to work in a self-determined way while helping other people in a meaningful way, you are definitely in the right place.

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Why do people start in recommendation marketing and with our partner company?

There are now several 10,000 companies worldwide that bring their products to market through the network marketing distribution channel, rather than through traditional trade channels. And new ones are being added all the time. The industry is growing massively, and not for nothing do marketing experts talk about the future of marketing in general. This has its reasons. Network marketing and/or referral marketing has enormously many advantages for all sides: for the enterprise, the customer/consumer and naturally also for the recommender.

Mouth-to-mouth propaganda has always been the best advertising there is. And even companies that sell through traditional sales channels often use this additionally in the meantime ("Recommend a new customer and you get a one-time $10"... or similar), affiliate marketing has also become commonplace on the Internet. That is from the principle nothing else, only that you have in the real network marketing clearly better conditions, and you build up here simply correctly an own enterprise, instead of e.g. only once a commission to receive.

Funny only that there are still many people for whom network marketing is something alien, dubious and dangerous. There one asks oneself again and again, in which century these humans live, and from where they refer their information. From those who failed in the project of building a business and never really had a clue?
If one summarizes oneself all these facts times, there is no more question whether network marketing is good and works, but only, whether you would like to use that for your life, or just not.

People want job alternatives

More and more people are no longer satisfied with their working circumstances and jobs. Most live in a stressful everyday life that means a lot of work and little money, which is not enough in all corners. Jobs that are not compatible with the family and children, and which they do not enjoy, and for the future no perspective for a good life.

More and more people are finding out that there are alternatives and other ways of making money - including through referral marketing. They see it - just as I did back then - as an opportunity to change work situations.

The main reasons are usually self-determined work, where you can arrange when and where you work. That is what many people want.

To be in contact with people and to recommend products and business to them, you can always and everywhere: no matter if you live in Australia or in USA, if you are lying on the beach or on a boat trip, if you are together with your kids on the playground and talk to other mommies there, or if you socialize at home via social media. The possibilities are limitless, they fit easily into everyone's daily life and all circumstances.

At the time, I wanted exactly that for my life - a self-determined life. I wanted to do what I enjoyed, when and where I wanted.

For me at the time, working in network marketing was the solution to my life in the first place. And I am grateful every day to have that, and to be able to walk that path. The start was without risk, and without other challenges with which otherwise entrepreneurs and self-employed have to do (legal, storage and shipping, investment, risk and and and...). I was able to start next to my other job and work my way out of there.

Now it absolutely does matter which company you work with in network marketing. People choose us as a team and our partner company for several reasons, which, by the way, have made the company one of the largest and most successful in the world. To learn more, please read Become a FitLine Partner!

If you're interested in network marketing, here's what's important to understand:It's a super opportunity for anyone, it's easy, and it works as long as you love the product, have a good affiliate, and just always stay tuned to communicate with people about it.

How you can get started in network marketing

Any adult can start as an independent affiliate of a network marketing company at any time and launch their business. However, the conditions vary depending on the company.

With us, registration takes place via an online form. There are different ways to start, where you can choose which products you want to use and try out first. There are no special obligations, e.g. for minimum sales or purchases, and no high investments. However, you should use products, because otherwise you can not recommend anything to anyone that you do not know yourself. You can theoretically earn money in Network Marketing without using products yourself, but we have never seen anyone become successful with this. If you have such thoughts (we experience this again and again), please put it out of your mind right away, and save your own and our time with such plans! :-)

If you have questions, would like to know the exact conditions and possibilities with us, fill out us best immediately the form. We will then get in touch with you, explain how to get started, and following the registration you will of course be supported and trained by us (according to your wishes).

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Start PM Network Marketing - the business with FitLine and PM International

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