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Become A Distributor Independent partner of PM International AG / FitLine

The company PM International

We are distributors of PM International AG / FitLine. Here you can get info on what opportunities, benefits and conditions are open to you if you want to become a distributor with us and our company.
The company uses the principle of network marketing as the distribution channel, a form of direct sales.

This means, that every person who uses the products, is satisfied or even enthusiastic about them, can recommend them to others, and receive a commission from the company for doing so. After all, the recommendations are the company's marketing.

Are you excited about our ingenious products, do you want to help other people how they can improve their quality of life as well? Or are you even looking for a new career opportunity?

Have you heard that you can start your own business as a partner of this outstanding company, or do you just want to use your beloved products with the status of a partner, and recommend them here and there to friends or acquaintances?

Do you work in the sector of health, nutrition, fitness or work as a trainer? Or have nothing to do with it professionally, but have an enthusiasm for taking good care of your body, eating well, and sharing this with other people?

Whatever your background, we are the right team for you if you also want to sign up as a partner of the company:

Family - becoming a Fitline distributor

Following you will find a few of the most important advantages that argue for your partner registration. If you want to read more about the company, you can find more information about the company, or about the business model.

Your advantages

  • You have a simple and risk-free registration as a partner, with no obligations, no minimum purchases, no warehousing, and no special requirements.
  • You get the products at purchase price and have between 15% and 45% trade margin.
  • You can earn a small "pocket money" or additional income by recommending the products, and by building a sales structure; This can go all the way to a complete, full-time job - depending on your sales and your work input.
  • Recommend and sell products worldwide, commissions paid on time for over 30 years. Instant payout available on customer orders.
  • You have extensive materials, such as trainings, regular events, and a own online store
  • Risk free with satisfaction guarantee - 30 days return policy with money back guarantee for you and your customers.
  • You have unique, globally popular, patented and genius products, with high profile references from the sports sector and noticeable results.
  • You have great terms and additional benefits such as trainings.
  • By the way, our partner company is now one of the world's most successful and largest direct selling companies (ranked 8th in the world in 2022) and currently has the largest growth in the network marketing industry. There is a reason for that. And we are proud to be part of it every day.
    If you're seriously looking for a good and worthwhile network marketing company, you should take a close look at this. Further down you can read more about why we are so successful, and otherwise just write and we'll be happy to send you an online presentation or discuss everything else with you personally.

Your advantages with the business model

  • You are self-employed, but have no investments (except for product usage and time) and no risks, also you don't have to worry about legal issues, shipping, warehousing, returns etc.
  • You can decide for yourself how much and what you do, and where you work. That's why parents or single parents, for example, love this job
  • You have the support of the team
  • You can build up an income, which is decoupled from your working hours. This happens through automatic re-orders from your customers, and through the activity of other partners in your sales structure

We are also happy to talk to you in detail about your options and conditions, explain the procedures, the business PM Network Marketing and the commission plan, if you have any questions about it.

Yes I would like to become a partner

Just fill out the form here, we'll get back to you right away

Start PM Network Marketing - the business with FitLine and PM International

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What makes our company stand out in network marketing and nutritional supplementation?

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Independent sales partners of PM International AG / FitLine

We are almost daily in contact with people who want to get information, or are interested in becoming active in referral marketing and with our company. Since there are now countless companies on the market with which you could do network marketing, of course the question always arises, which is the best choice.

The enormous success of us and our company is no coincidence. If you look closely at network marketing companies on the market and compare them, you can see huge differences. But these can never be recognized by the inexperienced new starter. And the significance for success and earnings cannot be judged.

Our company and our products are distinguished by a number of factors, setting them apart from many other companies. Ultimately, success results from many pieces of the puzzle that were and are simply done right. These collectively make the company, and the business opportunity offering itself, simply perfect and unbeatable.

When asked what the reason for this company's success is, I give the following answer:

The company has a core competence on which it focuses exclusively and perfects it. This is unique (and patented) in the market. It works with a core product that every person on the planet could use, and that will convince people in their lives in a manageable amount of time. It appeals to a huge range of audiences and it tastes good to the vast majority of people. It is so holistic that it supports the body in numerous areas at the same time just by having 2 drinks a day. In my opinion and experience, this is unique in this combination in the world of nutritional supplements.
In addition, the stable, umpteen times awarded and family-run company offers very good commission payout and great additional benefits. In addition, genuine appreciation and many other supports and highlights for its distribution partners.

Many small additional pieces of the puzzle are added, and so the overall concept is just perfect, and therefore it works perfectly and brings the corresponding success. Our partner company is therefore currently considered one of the best opportunities ever, if you want to work in network marketing. Or if you simply want to use high-quality and meaningful nutritional supplements for yourself or customers/clients (as in sports or fitness).

Our reasons for the business model, the company and the products

Just ask yourself what would be important to you if you want to work with a company and products on a daily basis and be able to recommend this to other people. If you want to enjoy it, and have it help you further your personal life goals.

For us, the following factors are important regarding products and the company:

  • We really want to offer other people something useful and good, which helps them in life and can solve their problems
  • We therefore want the products to work great for people and for us, and we can make people happy with them. This brings joy, and gives the feeling of value, meaningfulness, motivation, confidence and enthusiasm
  • We want the products to be of maximum in quality and safe and do not pose any dangers (high quality standards such as GMP and independent test seals, etc.)
  • We want to work with a product that theoretically every person in this world needs and that is regularly used and consumed. There should be positive results within a manageable time, which the user also feels or sees - for everyone and for a wide variety of needs and goals
  • We want to have products that, in addition, the majority of users also taste and like
  • We want the products to always be up to date and scientifically sound, and not to disappear from the market or become obsolete in a few years due to lack of development. (Permanent further development and research by a scientific advisory board and in cooperation with independent research institutes)
  • We want the products are free of competition, so unique on the market and we thereby have a unique selling proposition (own research, development and patents)
  • We want the products to be easy to use and easy to pass on (easy to recommend), and still deliver maximum results
  • We want prices that are well proportioned to the added value and benefits, and that people can afford
  • We want the company to be honest, fair and ethical, and not cheat customers and partners in the name of profit. And has high ethical visions and goals for the world at large
  • As partners, we want a fair commission plan that is judicially reviewed also legalities and that pays really well. We want appreciative services and conditions, support such as training, materials such as online store, apps etc. And other good offers like events and good additional benefits
  • For us it is a prerequisite that the infrastructure, the work with the store and the products and the distribution worldwide works flawlessly purely from the organization and processes. Although you think that this is a normal basis, we have seen enough examples of other companies where this is simply not given
  • We want simple and fair entry conditions that everyone can afford, and that offer real added value for the new partner. (No high start-up costs and no costs without real and meaningful countervalue - this also looks different with other companies)
  • We want to be sure that the company is financially and economically stable and works well, so we can assume that it is also still on the market in many decades (our company for more than 30 years)
  • We want the company is also ecologically well aligned and socially committed
  • We want to be able to rely on the company completely. That it deals fairly with us, that the money comes on time and is paid out properly. (Even there we have heard other things from other network marketing companies...), that it supports us, brings the right products to the market, makes the right decisions, ensures the basics for the work and the business, etc.
  • The company and the development of the products should be free from outside financiers, etc. - in other words, be independent of the stock market. Despite the size, our partner company is a pure family business and completely independent of outside financiers

That's a big list, and we may well have forgotten one or two items here. :-)

All these factors are given at our partner company. This is hard to find elsewhere on the market. Often it is seemingly small things that make a huge difference in the work and success.
Now you know why this company is so successful, why we currently have the greatest growth in the industry - and also many enviers ;-). And why no other company can ever come into consideration for us.

And what about the business model?

You can find basic and extensive information about this at FitLine Network Marketing. At this point we would like to give you a few brief points that were and are our motivations to work with this business model:

  • Working independently, being able to live life on your own terms, and being able to work regardless of location - but without the difficulties and challenges of ordinary self-employment
  • Get off the rat race of working a lot for someone else
  • The vision and passion to do good for people and the world, to support them, and enjoy working and collaborating with people
  • Having time for your own family and children, and still doing your own business

And what moves you? What would you like to change or achieve in your life? Just write to us, tell us about your wishes and goals, and we'll discuss what opportunities are open to you:

I would like to become a distributor now

Just fill out the form here, we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Start PM Network Marketing - the business with FitLine and PM International

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Independent distributor of PM International AG / FitLine

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  • Experts since 2001
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PM International USA - different people with fun, energy, sports and weight loss